Slavic Department Logo




Undergraduate Graduate Audit Courses Languages People Resources Make a Gift



- Upcoming Events:
"The Karjala Story: Revolution, War, Wonder"

Aleksis Kivi - The Cornerstone of Finnish Literature

- Past Events:
Law, Trust and Legitimacy: Finnish and Nordic Experiences

Songs from the North: The Metallic Country Brand of Finland

An Evening with Finnish Studies: They Know Not What They Do

Varpu Lindström Memorial Lecture & Finnish Studies Scholarships 2017 Ceremony In Mourning, Together: The Everyday History of Death in ’Finnish North America’ An Evening with Finnish Studies: 100 Years of Finnish Design

Open Lectures on Finnish Architecture and Design

Why Study Finnish?
- Finnish Courses
- Program Faculty

- Finnish Studies on Facebook
- Finnish Studies on Youtube
- Finnish Studies Media Appearances

- Study Resources

- Useful Links

Frequently Asked Questions:


What undergraduate courses are offered, and where are they located?

What graduate courses are offered, and where are they located?

I am not a student, how can I take a course?
How can I audit a course?

How can I contact an instructor?

What are the faculty members' office hours?

How can I apply to a graduate program?

How can I take a placement / proficiency exam?

How can I get a language citation on my transcript?

Contact us:


Department of Slavic
Languages and Literatures
121 St. Joseph Street
Alumni Hall (AH), Room 431
Toronto, Ontario ~ M5S 1J4

tel: 416-946-0011

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